The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Pre Order 01/ 14/ 23 - New Mkt Hrs.10-12
Hello WOF shopper,
We are offering online preorders as requested by many.
The layer ducks are still on hiatus as they have not liked the lack of items to forage in their daily wanderings around the farm. The cold took care of many of the favorite treats they find in the pastures. We will get them listed online when the duck hens pick back up.
The chickens are still laying relatively well. Don’t forget to get your* chicken eggs*…
Sausages- all the breakfast sausage you like. Poultry, medium pork, extra sage pork and hot pork breakfast.
Sausage Links abound as well.
We have sliced our delicious smoked bacon, and added another batch of ground pork.
Check out the online market.
We will close it Friday morning at 10 AM. Take a look and see if there is something that you would like awaiting you Saturday at Richland Park.
See you there!
New Market HRS- 10-12
See you there.