The Weblog

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Pre Order for Pick up 2/26/22

Longer days and warmer hours have hastened the duck and geese to pick up the paceā€¦ the eggs are being laid again and you can reserve them here.

We have sausages and ground pork, chicken and beef for your favorite marinara. Lasagna sounds good on these rainy days and damp nights.

Roasts are available in variety and size as well. If you are looking for a crock pot meal or a slow oven roasted chicken, we can fill your home with warm aromas and your stomach with locally and ethically raised meats.

Reserve here or just stop by Richland Park on Saturday
from 10-12.

Available in March and April 2022:

Freezer Pork- available by the half
Freezer Beef- available by the quarter

email for more information: