The Weblog

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Pre-Order for 10/3/20

What lovely weather we are having. Wedge Oak Farm is thrilled to get roasting… Some of our favorites are whole chicken, chuck roasts and pork roasts too.
You can do a hands off crock pot dish or braise in the oven for a tender and crispy skin.

Roasted Poultry Stock and Beef Stock are a great way to start a stew or soup. You can still make the best homemade Tomato Soup starting with a stock, an onion, and a bit of garlic. Flavor it with a touch of fresh basil from the garden or some curry powder to send the flavor in another direction. A blender will puree and so will the food processor. Yum!

Our sausages are easy and on the menu this week. We have chicken, beef, duck and pork link sausages in a variety to suit every palate.

You have been asking for duck eggs and we hear you. There is a pesky owl that likes our ducks as much as we do. Our layers are being traumatized nightly and are holding the eggs back due to stress. We have a second set of layers that are due to lay the first of 2021 but that is still a ways off. We hate this situation and are trying to remedy it with solar lights and bird of prey decoys.

Thank you for taking the time to shop with us. We appreciate your patronage!
The online market closes Friday 10/02, at 10 AM